There are
large numbers of middle class families living in the urban areas in every country.
In this modern world cost of living is increasing day by day; it may be due to
inflation or any other reason throwing away the middle class families in to
poor level. But small changes in the life style could save lot of money. Though
the individual savings might be small but collectively it is a huge amount.
Most the
time we are less concerned about the small savings and ignore them. If we change
1% daily it brings lot change per year.So focus on the small savings also. Here
some of the saving techniques through which lot of savings could be achieved.
1. Never buy memberships for 6 months
or a year at the gyms:
will usually think it is better to buy the membership in the gyms half yearly
or yearly. But if you in the broader sense you may not be interested or you
found any other gym with the better equipment than this gym or you may be
transferred to any other place. So it is better to take monthly memberships
2. Move bank accounts to take the
advantage of perks and the interest;
If you are
paying the fees for the savings account, it would be better to looking for any
of the newest bank offers. Some of the bank offers the sign up bonus for simply
opening account and setting up direct deposit. Not only had this some of the
banks offered attractive interests to the new customers as well.
3. Put your smaller amount of loose
money found in your pocket collectively in a box:
It is quite
sure that every day you could find the some smaller loose amount in your
pocket, don’t throw them away instead collect them and do not remove them till
it becomes the huge amount. It may look small amount in the beginning if we
look annually it weighs more.
4. Sell your news papers and magazines:
Most of the
people throw away the newspapers and magazines after the accumulation. Instead
of it store them and sell them annually in huge amount.
5. Turn off the television:
One of the
best ways for saving is to turn off the television. If you reduce the
brightness of the television it would save the electric bill up to 40%.There
are many benefits of turning off the television other than the television:
savings in electricity bill, less exposure to the inducing ads , more focus on
the other things in the life like side business and so on.
6. Grow simple vegetables and spice
in your home:
tomatoes, a chili etc inside your home instead of home .These grows fast and
they are easy to grow.
7. Compare the rates of the
vegetables and fruits from different shops and purchase from the shop where
prices are low:
Some of the
dealers will charge high amount and some will provide it for less price only
based on their availability, demand etc. compare them and purchase.
8. Make your own gifts instead of
buying stuff from shop:
If you
really want to save money then make your gifts at home instead of purchasing it
from the stores. It would become extraordinary gift for others because it
involves personal touch.
9. Buy a new brand book after ensuring
the price of the second hand book:
check out the prices of the second hand books before buying the new ones ,
because new books are more expensive than the old books.
10. Most of the repairs in the house supposed
to be done by the owner not you. Know your
right as the tenant:
Most of the
owners want to impose the cost of damages and repairs on the tenants’ .So make
it clear at the time of contract with the owner.
11. Rent your room when your roommate
is out of town:
Make an agreement
that your room can be given as rent if you or your room mate is not at home.
12. Replace the filament bulbs with
the led bulbs:
usage of a led bulbs much less when compare to the filament bulbs.
13. Buy your clothes in the festival
If you want
save the money while purchasing the clothes better buy at the festival sale
because discount offers are more at time of the festivals in such manner you
could able to save money.
14. Ensure right air pressure of the
tires of your vehicle:
Ensure the right air pressure to get the
maximum efficiency. If air pressure is low it leads to low mileage.
15. Get the roof of your house coated
with the white paint:
In summer
most of the money is spend on the electricity bill because of the high usage of
the fans or air conditioners. By painting the roof with the white paint makes
the room cool and reduces the usage of air conditioners.
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