How These Top 10 Female Bloggers Are Making From Their Blogs

  Are you looking for the top 10 female bloggers in the world, then you are at the right place.
If you are wondering how few bloggers are making thousands of dollars every single month, you should know one fact: “It is not hard making money online, if you know how to sell”. Most successful bloggers and marketers know how to sell without sounding like a sales guy.
The success ratio in blogging world is really low. 95 out 100 blogs will not make any money. It’s the truth that many don’t agree.
If you are looking for some motivation, this post will help you where you are going to know about the top 10 female bloggers and you will also come to know how they are making money from their blogs.
Top 10 Best Female Bloggers You MUST Follow
1. Ana Hoffman
Ana Hoffman is the founder of Traffic Generation Cafe which tells us mostly about traffic generation strategies, monetization ways to make more sales from your blogs and all kinds of strategies to grow a profitable blog.
Ana Hoffman makes money blogging by mainly promoting affiliate products on her blog. . Her audience so much attached to her that they buy whatever she suggests. Just mind one thing that, Ana never promotes unwanted or useless products just to make money.
That might also be another reason for her affiliate marketing success. She makes around $5000 to $10000 from her blogging sources.
2. Amy Porterfield
Amy is a social media strategist. She is specialized in Facebook marketing where she will talks about all the strategies, secrets and resources to grow your online business using Facebook in her posts. She is also the co-author of Facebook marketing all-in-one for dummies.
 Amy helps entrepreneurs across various industries establish strategies to maximize the power of social media and increase their online success at her blog. If you are one among them, suggestion is to check out her blog.
Amy usually makes money in three ways. Affiliate marketing, consulting and selling online courses. I know there are all great income sources for anyone to make money online but Amy does it extremely well when it comes to monetize her blogging efforts. Her monthly revenue will be around $10K to 20K.
3. Mari Smith
Mari Smith is known as the “Facebook Queen”. She is a social media thought leader, premier Facebook marketing expert and author of several marketing books like “Facebook Marketing”, “Marketing With Social Media”, “Ready, Aim, Soar!” etc.
 Mari Smith helps you how to grow your blogs and online businesses with social media marketing at her blog. She also talks a lot about getting the most ROI out of your social media ads and efforts. If you want to grow your blog with social media sites effortlessly, you should start following her.
Mari Smith is a social media thought leader and she has unlimited opportunities to make money online by selling affiliate products, offering both consulting and online courses. She also makes money by speaking at public events and brand mentions. Her monthly revenue would be more than $20,000.
4. Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo is one of famous female bloggers. She is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, American life coach, motivational speaker, author and web television host which is run by her name on YouTube. She is also the owner of Marie Forleo International, B-School and MarieTV.
Marie Forleo helps you how to run a successful online business by using unconventional yet proven strategies at her blog. She is also named by Oprah as an industry thought leader for the next generation.
Marie mainly makes money by public speaking gigs, providing really expensive online membership programs and consulting. She makes over $30,000 every single month. Her online courses are really top notch as they add huge value to the community.
5. Lisa Irby
Just like we have a male problogger Lisa Irby is considered as the women problogger. She has been making a living from blogging for a long time .She started making money online since 1998! And the best part about her is she shares insightful and most practical blogging advice on her blog.
Lisa is a full time affiliate marketer who makes a lot of money by selling others products and she is also very active on podcasts and video marketing. She’s the one you should follow if you are looking for simple yet most effective strategies to make money from your blogging efforts.
AdSense, affiliate marketing, consulting are few of the major ways Lisa makes money from her blog. She also recently started teaching at Udemy by offering premium courses. I’m sure she’s going to fully utilize it as well. She usually makes around $15K to $20K every month.
6. Jane Sheeba
Jane Sheeba is the top female blogger from India and she runs the marketing blog by her name She is also one of the blogging expert who have been making money blogging for a long time now.
She writes a lot and also one of the very few active guest bloggers in the blogging community. At her blog, she teaches you how to use proven SEO and blog marketing strategies to build a highly profitable blog that makes money for you. If you are search is for practical blogging advice on money making, you should check out Jane’s blog.
Jane offers freelance writing services to her clients. She also makes money by creating her own products as well as promoting affiliate products through her blog. She’s a great marketer indeed. Jane usually makes around $5K every month.
7. Ileane Smith
Ileane Smith is the most Influential blogger.Beginners who wants to learn most insightful strategies to build and grow their blogs her blog Basic Blog Tips is a great resource for them.
Although from the last few months her blog’s focus was shifted from blogging and marketing to social media but her  Basic Blog Tips is still a great resource to learn great blog marketing strategies.
By mainly promoting affiliate products such as AWeber, podcast and video related products etc. I never saw Ileane selling hard to her audience. She almost always recommends but never says someone to buy. That shows how generous she is towards soft selling.
8. Sue Anne Dunlevie
Sue Anne is another incredible female blogger whom is admired by most. Her blog Successful Blogging is all about helping beginners to build and grow their blogs by creating insightful content.
Sue has an awesome writing style which captivates you to leave thoughtful comments and you will be mesmerized with her blog’s content. She rarely asks you to buy something from her and which is what shocks me most.
She promotes affiliate products such as WP Engine, Bluehost etc to primarily make money off her blog. She also offers online courses which are premium.
9. Kristi Hines
Kristi Hines is a freelance writer, full-time blogger and a certified content marketer who really creates top notch content for various blogs and online businesses. She also regularly writes for KISSmetrics, Buffer, Social Media Examiner and other authority blogs in the marketing industry.
Kristi is a business blogger and is a HubSpot inbound marketing certified expert who write on topics around business and marketing. If you are struggling to use content marketing to grow your blogs and online businesses, her content and writing services give you a huge boost to your growth.
Kristi is a content marketing strategies and a full-time writer. She mainly makes money by writing for others (her gigs are expensive!) and she also recommends affiliate products that she personally uses. She makes anywhere around $10k to $15K every single month.
10. Heidi Cohen
Heidi Cohen is one of the super powerful female bloggers who talks about content marketing, branding, PR and social media at her blog. Her practical advice on blog marketing helps you build a highly successful blog that makes profits in the long run.

She promotes affiliate products and she also offers paid consulting services to her audience. She makes around $10K every single month with these two income sources alone!

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